You Don't Have To Go It Alone
Living With Multiple Sclerosis...
Hi, I'm Wendy Bjork, and I’ve been living with multiple sclerosis for over 30 years, starting from the young age of 16...
How you feel today doesn't mean that's how it's always going to be...
After my neurologist warned I’d reached a point of forever being bound to a wheelchair if I kept going the way I was…
That became the final straw for me.
I was terrified of where things were heading and wanted to be there for my family. I know what it feels like to be fighting what appears to be a losing battle...
Personally experiencing my fair share of rollercoaster symptoms and flare-ups.
The fatigue and the exhaustion feelings were an everyday norm. Can you relate..?
Then the brain fog settled in.
And the constant tripping.
And falling, even in the grocery store, as people stared and probably wondered who this stumbling “drunk” lady was.
I was DONE feeling sick and tired.
Have you ever felt like a guinea pig for medications that seemed to trigger a new side-effect for every symptom they masked...?
Even though I had my diagnosis, I desperately wanted more answers.
What was at the heart of this constant exhaustion . . . the headaches and brain fog . . . the spasms, and so on.
But through a strong faith in God, a positive attitude, and hands-on testing with some not found on the first page of Google methods for relief, . . .
I’ve managed to go from down and depressed . . . to a happy, thriving Empress of MS™!!
What’s important to know, I was almost 20 years into #MS before I decided to look for new answers...
Sure, my chronic condition may not have a said "cure" but..
After years of searching for a more a holistic approach to improve my overall wellbeing,
Not only did I avoid having to spend the rest of my days cruising around on two wheels . . . I feel remarkably better!
Thanks to burying myself in research, hiring mentors, even checking whatever I could out of the local library - ANYTHING that seemed helpful.
That's Where I developed my Signature #MS Mentorship.
(After all, there’s nothing more priceless than our health!)
Knowing how to maintain a positive outlook even when things get hard. Our minds are a powerful force that we will use to push past life's obstacles.
Understanding what foods and drinks to choose (or avoid) putting into your body, as well as ON your body in terms of personal care products.
With yourself, your partner/spouse, kids, co-workers, etc. to feel supported and inspired to keep all you positive momentum going.
Realizing how many hidden toxins are common in our daily environment (home, office, garden, etc.) and how to remove, replace and avoid using them.
Book your initial call to talk about what you envision for yourself. Together we will map out your own personalized Framework for you to kick-start your Journey to Wholeness.
Using your custom Wellness Framework we will touch base once a week for accountability to support you on your path taking back control and feeling better.
Get full year of access to the online members only Hearts of Wellness Portal with curated content made for clients with chronic conditions keep their momentum going!
Plus, access to key resources you can view, download and save for
future reference on everything I've learn to help create lasting change in your home!
Together, we'll map out and create what's needed for your transformation!
Access To "Whole"-istic™ #MS Mentorship Pillars - Mind, Body, Relationships, and your Environment... (value $1997)
60 Min Jump Start Private 1:1 Call Session together to set your wellness baselines and game plan... (value $347)
3 Months of Support Private 1:1 Weekly Call Sessions Accountability (value $1197)
12 Months Access Online Members Wellness Portal, Live Monthly Calls & library of wellness resources... (value $497)
Plus, My Private Tools that put you back in the drivers seat to thrive... (value $497)
Direct Access To Me to ask questions and guide you if you ever feel stuck along the way... (value PRICELESS)
Only $1997 $1497 USD
Less fatigue, headaches, and brain fog...
Better sleep. Feel great inside and look great outside...
Feeling the benefits of promoting a healthier immune system...
NOW is the best time to take this first step, Because you’ll receive the best rate of this year.
Given the time I invest in ensuring you see real progress and this heavily personalized program...
I’ve realized I need to increase my rates later this year.
But as I said, right now, YOU can get started at the best rate available.
Things are constantly changing in our world right now.
However, YOU have control over your life and wellbeing.
So if you’re ready to make this year the year to start thriving again . . .
And if you want someone by your side who’s on this journey as well. . . .
However, please know that space is limited to the first few who book these available spots.
Together, we'll map out and create what's need for your transformation!
Access To "Whole"-istic #MS Mentorship™ Pillars - Mind, Body, Relationships, and your Environment... (value $1997)
60 Min Jump Start Private 1:1 Call Session together to set your wellness baselines and game plan... (value $347)
3 Months of Support Private 1:1 Weekly Call Sessions Accountability... (value $1197)
12 Months Access Online Members Wellness Portal, Live Monthly Calls & library of wellness resources... (value $497)
Plus, My Private Tools that put you back in the drivers seat to thrive... (value $497)
Direct Access To Me to ask questions and guide you if you ever feel stuck along the way... (value PRICELESS)
Only $1997 $1497 USD
How much easier will it be for you when you know you have someone in your corner that actually “gets it”...
When you have someone who already knows what the steps are to take and is walking right along with you!
Imagine being able to walk into your home and enjoy your space again...
Imagine having a renewed sense of vitality, vibrancy, and HOPE for your future...
Imagine what it would feel like to have your restored energy levels back again...
Imagine having the peace of mind that you, your family, and your environment are healthier instead of being harmed.
Today, I want to help you make this possible by inviting you to the #MS Mentorship!
Knowing how to maintain a positive outlook even when things get hard.
Understanding what foods and drinks to choose (or avoid) putting into your body, as well as ON your body in terms of personal care products.
With yourself, your partner/spouse, kids, co-workers, etc. to feel supported and inspired to keep pushing.
Realizing how many hidden toxins are common in our daily environment (home, office, garden, and elsewhere) and how to avoid them.
I’m here to link arms with you and support you on your Wellness journey!
Even doctors I’ve spoken with admit there are gaps in care.
Because there isn’t enough time during appointments to discuss all these areas, and let’s face it . . .
Most of the medical system only focuses on symptoms, not necessarily addressing them at the root cause.
It’s not always just about “one thing.”
There are so many levels and aspects to life and healing. Especially in order to achieve wholeness and thrive in spite of a chronic diagnosis.
That’s why so many clients have thanked me for doing the years of research and making it all easy to understand.
And showing them firsthand what’s possible after navigating my own symptoms and life with MS for over 30 years.
Honestly, I get it when their are...
"worries about the future" or "the weird looks" & "the exhaustion".
And how it feels easier to hide behind armor and pretend “I’m fine, thanks.”
But once I cover these four pillars in greater detail with clients . . .
They don’t want to go back to where they were once now that they have done the work and got the results.
They start experiencing the feeling of "being in charge" of their Life again!
I know there are others out there that are where I was, and want to feel the relief I now feel...
so I decided to put everything I learned into an amazing experience!
Together, we'll map out and create what's need for your transformation!
Access To "Whole"-istic™ #MS Mentorship Pillars - Mind, Body, Relationships, and your Environment... (value $1997)
60 Min Jump Start Private 1:1 Call Session together to set your wellness baselines and game plan... (value $347)
3 Months of Support Private 1:1 Weekly Call Sessions Accountability (value $1197)
12 Months Access Online Members Wellness Portal, Live Monthly Calls, a community & library of wellness resources... (value $497)
Plus, My Private Tools that put you back in the drivers seat to thrive... (value $497)
Direct Access To Me to ask questions and guide you if you ever feel stuck along the way... (value PRICELESS)
Only $1997 $1497 USD
I'm The Empress of MS™ and on a mission to empower other women with Multiple Sclerosis to navigate on their own terms.
It's not just about the "one thing", there are so many different levels in order to achieve Wholeness...
*It's your environment.
*It's what you Think.
*It's what you Eat.
*It's about the products you bring into your home.
In managing my own symptoms and life with MS for over 30 years, I get it. The worries about the future, The weird looks. The exhaustion.
How it's easier to hide behind armor and pretend "You're Fine".
I'm also a wife, mom to two awesome young men and I know life is hard. I am here to support you on your journey. I will walk by your side. Because it's ok to ask for help.
It's all so much easier than you think when someone is walking with you and I would love to help you! One step at a time.
Together we will get through this!
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Hearts of Wellness LLC | All Rights Reserved